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Mega Pacific has a wide variety of controls from pneumatic to electrical and vacuum to cable controls, while our radio remotes are built to ensure durability and comfort. Our range also includes our range of TIPX control and safety systems. Designed and manufactured in Australia with all relevant standards and workplace health and safety policies in mind, TIPX tipping control and safety products are quickly becoming the standard in safer tipping systems for all operators. 


NOTE: Mega Pacific reserves the right to without liability or prior notice, alter, discontinue or cease to make available any product within our product range. Mega Pacific cannot guarantee all products listed on our website are available due to production time variances and/or may be special order only. Contact Mega Pacific to confirm current stock availability.

400C21 Proportional Controls Compact
400C21 Proportional Controls Compact
400C22 Proportional Controls Compact
400C22 Proportional Controls Compact
400C41 Proportional Controls Mini
400C41 Proportional Controls Mini
400C42 Proportional Controls Mini
400C42 Proportional Controls Mini
400PSC Air Controls
400PSC Air Controls
EVC001/002 Controls
EVC001/002 Controls
Lodar Radio Controls
Lodar Radio Controls
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